25 September 2019

On 16-20 September 2019 several BRICS STI meetings aimed at fostering BRICS STI cooperation took place in Campinas, Brazil.
07 August 2018

For two weeks the South African city of Durban became a center for BRICS science cooperation with several events concluded from 24 June to 03 July 2018: 3rd BRICS Young Scientist Forum, 4th BRICS STI Funding Working Group meeting, 8th BRICS Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Senior Officials' meeting and 6th Ministerial meeting.
01 August 2017

The 7th BRICS Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Senior Officials' meeting and 5th Ministerial meeting under the Chinese presidency in the fora were held in Hangzhou on 17-18 July 2017. A declaration and an action plan to boost science and technology cooperation among BRICS member countries were signed on July 18 by ministers of science, technology and innovation from BRICS countries.
02 July 2017

On 29-31 May 2017 the 3rd BRICS STI Funding Working Group meeting was held in Pretoria, South Africa.
One of the main items on the agenda was review of BRICS Pilot Call 2016 projects evaluation performed by BRICS funding agencies participating in BRICS STI Framework Programme and discussion on futher development of the initiative.