26 August 2024
A total of 104 proposals have been submitted in response to the 6th 6th coordinated call for BRICS multilateral projects 2023: “Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation”. 19 projects have been selected for support as an outcome of the call.

07 September 2023
BRICS STI Framework Programme - "6th coordinated call for BRICS multilateral projects 2023: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation” is open until 7th of November 2023

22 May 2023
The conference will gather participants of the BRICS STI supported research projects in biomed in 2017–2022, science and business community, funding agencies, BRICS WG on biomed experts, other stakeholders.

04 July 2022
On 27-28 June 2022 in line with development of activities of the BRICS STI Framework Programme the BRICS STI Funding Working Group held workshop “Discussion on BRICS STI Flagship Projects” aimed at discussion of BRICS STI Flagship Projects concept. The goal of the meeting was to exchange views on the concept of BRICS Flagship Projects, including discussion on global challenges of BRICS strategic importance that Flagship Projects could address, prospective areas of BRICS Flagship projects call for proposals, definition and requirements on potential Flagship project impact and other relevant issues.