Project coordinator: |
Victor Koledov |
Kotel’nikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Magnetic Phenomena in microelectronics |
Russia |
Project partners: |
Monica Cotta |
Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) |
Brazil |
Digbijoy N. Nath |
Indian Institute of Science Centre for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE) Bangalore |
India |
Zhongming Zeng |
Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) (SINANO) |
China |
Somnath Bhatachryya |
School of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg |
South Africa |
Funding agencies: |
CNPq (Brazil), RFBR (Russia), DST (India), NSFC (China), NRF (South Africa) |
The main goals of the project are:
1. For the first time to develop the new robust technology for bottom-up mechanical (Russia) and electrical (India) nano-assembly of individual nano-objects and nano-devices for frontier facilities for fundamental research, components for nano-electronics and nano-biosensors.
2. Using this technology to prepare the prototypes of the nano-electronic components: (a) nano-carbon circuits and hetero-structures (Russia, South Africa, India), (b) nano field-effect-transistors (FET) based on CNTs and nanowires (South Africa, India), spin torque nano-oscillators (STTO) and detectors (STTD) (China) and novel quantum and spintronic devices based on carbon nanomaterials (Russia, South Africa, India).
3. In co-operation to perform the fundamental studies of physical (South Africa), bio-medical (Brazil) and functional properties (Russia, India, China) of the developed prototypes of the nano-electronic devices and structures.
4. To discuss the far-reaching applications of novel bottom-up mechanical nano-assembly and nano-integration in such fields as fundamental quantum and non-local physics (South Africa), spintronic (China, South Africa), nano-networks, novel nano-measurements microwave systems (South Africa, Russia), for bio-medical sensors for lab-on-chip diagnostics of the infection diseases etc (Brazil, India, South Africa, Russia).
For these goals, the 5 World recognized groups from all BRICS-courtiers with outstanding experimental facilities, unique expertise, experience in many complementary research areas of nano-science and nano-technology unite the consortia. The general idea of the consortia: mechanical bottom-up-assembly and integration (MBUAI) of individual nano-devices and nano-objects can bring the nano-technological breakthrough not only in computer and telecommunication technology, but also in quantum and non-local fundamental research, such fields as alternative energy, biomedical sensors, MEMS, etc. The result of the project will show that MBUAI is going to overcome the presently existing barrier of the integration of variety of nano-objects and nano-devices with each other and with convectional integrated circuits (ICs). Moreover the novel technology will provide products not only with the next level high quality, but also extremely low cost. Thus outstanding fundamental and applied research at nanoscale and frontier nano-technology will be affordable for small groups with small modest budget in science, education and technology. The other results are: creation of extreme sensitive spin-transfer-torque microwave nano-circuits, FET-nano-transistor, extreme high sensitivity bio-medical sensors for dangerous diseases, based on FET-nano-transistor, nano-carbon circuits and hetero-structures with ferromagnetic nano-particles and novel quantum interferometers. Quantum and non-local phenomenon, including effect at very low temperatures and high magnetic fields will be studied in mentioned above nano-devices. During the project stable collaboration among BRICS countries will be established, many students will be “learning by doing” frontier nano-technology and nano-fundamental science.
Project webpage:http://nanobricsrough.nanophys.ru/