“FAIE” - Fluxes-Assisted Inclusion Engineering: Applications in Low-carbon Low-alloy Shipbuilding Plates

06 September 2018

Project coordinator:

Cong Wang

Northeastern University


Project partners:

Somnath Basu

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay


Theresa Coetsee

University of Pretoria

South Africa

Funding agencies:

DST (India), NSFC (China), NRF (South Africa)


Development of new welding methods and material specifications requires extensive testing of different combinations of inputs, since a complete theoretical descriptive models of the welding process and resultant materials property development do not exist. Therefore, only large scale research and development studies will be sufficient in development of new methods and materials specifications to the level of end point user specification. The large data set will serve as the basis of model validation and to further understanding of the weld formation process. Parallel with development of this large data set, modelling will be used to direct new specifications to enable inclusion engineering in the weld process. 

The scale of research effort at one academic institution seldom carries this required level of scope. Therefore, the scope and resources applied in this BRICS project will result in new end point user specifications across input factors of materials specification and method for steel plate welding. The impact will be improved manufacturing efficiency and energy savings across the steelmaking and welding value chain.